Come See Me at the Southeast Creative Summit!

Self-promotion ahead! Which is funny, because it’s self-promotion about self-promoting. Maybe you’ve seen some posts about the Southeast Creative Summit. Maybe not. I’ll explain anyway. The Southeast Creative Summit is happening October 25-27 in Atlanta. It’s three days of workshops taught by working professionals in the video production industry — sound design, color grading, motion […]

Using the iPad as a Teleprompter – [Review]

We may not have flying cars or a Mars colony, but dammit, we live in the future and we have iPads. And all of us in media production have used iPads in our workflow at this point, whether it’s previewing something or used as a slate, or just a game device during renders. How about […]

A Dream Job in Video Production – literally

In light of the Mars Curiosity landing successfully on the planet after an incredibly ingenious deployment technique, I’ve been thinking about my dream job. When asked, I know a lot of us editors probably have similar answers to the dream job question: to edit a TV show, to edit features, edit documentaries, edit a meaningful […]

Wedding Video: Thoughts, Advice, and Crowd Sourcing a Wedding Day

This past weekend, I was in the wedding of one of my favorite couples. We met in college when we all worked at the Zoo together (they actually started dating there) and stayed friends beyond into the real world. During my bridesmaid stint, I was thinking a lot about wedding videography. As a video producer/editor, […]

11 Facets of a Great Video Production Intern

If you want to be in video production, chances are pretty good that you’re going to need to complete at least one internship before you find a job. The best part is that almost all video production internships are unpaid. In return for your free labor, a company agrees to help you along, teaching you […]

13 Ways to Shoot and Edit Better Industrial Videos

Industrial video is a majority of my day job right now, and has been for the better part of three years. I’ve edited training videos, advertisements, and video blogs, and I occasionally have to go into the field and shoot. I find myself in hot, loud places sometimes, and I often have no idea what […]