Come See Me at the Southeast Creative Summit!

Self-promotion ahead! Which is funny, because it’s self-promotion about self-promoting. Maybe you’ve seen some posts about the Southeast Creative Summit. Maybe not. I’ll explain anyway. The Southeast Creative Summit is happening October 25-27 in Atlanta. It’s three days of workshops taught by working professionals in the video production industry — sound design, color grading, motion […]

Wedding Video: Thoughts, Advice, and Crowd Sourcing a Wedding Day

This past weekend, I was in the wedding of one of my favorite couples. We met in college when we all worked at the Zoo together (they actually started dating there) and stayed friends beyond into the real world. During my bridesmaid stint, I was thinking a lot about wedding videography. As a video producer/editor, […]

13 Ways to Shoot and Edit Better Industrial Videos

Industrial video is a majority of my day job right now, and has been for the better part of three years. I’ve edited training videos, advertisements, and video blogs, and I occasionally have to go into the field and shoot. I find myself in hot, loud places sometimes, and I often have no idea what […]


A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to travel to Miami to shoot some testimonials for a technical school. It was a good experience. For one thing, I’d never been to Florida before. And I’d never traveled longer than 3 hours for a shoot. And I’d never flown with video equipment. And I […]

Shooting video with DSLRs

Something I’ve recently been enlightened to is shooting HD video on DSLR cameras. I had no idea people did this professional. I always thought that since video was an afterthought added to these cameras, that it would be crappy and not work right. Then I started reading a lot of professional blogs with people testing […]

Self-promotion ahead.

A video I shot over the course of last fall/winter alongside my friends and associates Aaron and Katie and edited was chosen by Ben Stein to be a finalist in the YouTube Video Volunteers Spotlight: Animal Welfare contest. Out of the top ten finalists, voting by the public will decide the top three, who will […]

Little Video Timecapsules

When it comes to preserving memories, I’m usually more apt to grab a still camera than a video camera despite being in the video field. With a still, you can get a frozen moment that represents an event, and it can end up being really timeless. It eliminates all the flaws really easily and exists […]