He Who Watches – More Reviews
He Who Watches, from Pants Cannon Media is another short that really impressed with its twisted tale. Directed by Kate Toomey and Kylee Wall, He Who Watches takes a fresh look at life and death, and really was rather good…. The Collective Volume 3 is another resounding success for JABB Pictures, and the filmmakers that contributed, and really needs to be seen. Good quality independent cinema deserves to be supported and JABB continue to release the quality.
— Jude Felton, Lair of Filth
[The Man is] played by Eric T. Schroeder, and he’s really good, he’s probably one of the stand out performers I’ve seen so far in any of the shorts in The Collective….[I]t’s a *really* interesting short. So far, [Schroeder] is my favorite performer in The Collective….I got to watch this really interesting and creepy looking character that I thought about more than once since watching He Who Watches!….” I’m really impressed with The Collective V3. The concept of going with all female directors is really working here….I think the game has been upped in terms of the kind of storytelling you can see in this series. We’ve got non-linear storytelling, we’ve got almost non-verbal storytelling, we’ve got really sophisticated editing, really interesting cinematography, special makeup effects that look professionally done…
–Derek Koch, Mail Order Zombie podcast
Jabb Pictures third Volume in the Collective series is quite a gem. It offers something unique and far too under appreciated in the horror genre field. The perspective of female imagination, talent, and fervor to the directors chair. This collection of short films gives us the woman’s point of view in raw, emotional scenes both compelling and provocative. All ten of these shorts were created and directed by female filmmakers, a collection unlike any other out there.
“He Who Watches” is a gothic tale of death. The final moments of life and how the mind responds to the explosion of emotion fuels this piece. This is a classic nightmare of how a person being taken over by disease deals with finality and regrets. The ending is a devilish treat….There is so much bitter sweet darkness in this emotionally driven third collection of short films that it would be hard to find fault in “The Collective Vol. III: 10 Minutes To Live”….The female point of view is often left behind like the carnage of body parts lying on cutting room floor with all the scream queens. It is great to see how women see horror not as just woman but as great story tellers equal to their male counterparts.