No freebies!

I saw this video retweeted by @FCPUGIndy today and thought it was perfect. If you’re in multimedia, you know how often you get asked to do things for free by random people. “I need this 3 hour documentary edited, it’s totally low budget so I can’t pay you until it makes a few million bucks, […]

The good and bad of student projects

I attended IUPUI’s Media Arts and Science capstone last Friday. I knew a number of people from classes that are graduating this year and had projects on display and wanted to support them as they supported me when I went through the capstone experience this time last year. Including my own, I think I’ve attended […]

Theater and Post-production

Yesterday, I was watching the RSC’s latest performance of Hamlet on PBS for the second time (because it was amazingly good) and was pondering how I miss being a part of theater. Earlier this year I was thinking about volunteering in a production as a stage hand, though I didn’t get around to it for […]


Recently, I completed a milestone in my career: my first real freelance gig. It was for a local production house that I’ve held in high regard for a long time, so it was great (and kind of terrifying) to get the opportunity to do something for them. I have a fellow editor to thank for […]

A different sort of inspirational quotes.

There are a lot of cheesy motivational inspirational quotes on posters in dentist offices or regular offices or school classrooms, but I tend to think they’re entirely lame. Here are some of my favorite inspirational quotes from random sources – smart people, regular people, books, television, movies, etc. They aren’t the kind of inspiration like […]

The Future as predicted in 1993

Watch this video. A series of commercials by AT&T predicting the technologies we will use in the future. I’m impressed by how correct they were with these. Of course, the way the various products or technologies are used today ended up much more elegant than predicted for the most part (Where is my gigantic touchscreen […]

Blast from the Past Time

So here’s a fun little blast from the past. I was googling around looking for something and digging through the wayback machine and I came across one of my old websites. It used to contain links to stream all my videos at the time. Looking through, only 3 or 4 are still linked correctly (I […]

Ridiculous Situations in Interning

Last summer, I had the opportunity to be a video production intern for NUVO Newsweekly. It was a great internship that left me and my intern partner (Katie Toomey) somewhat perplexed as to what to do occasionally, but it taught us improvisation in the field, how to deal with issues like shooting in a dark, […]