Kind of viral?
I made a video for work that has by our standards, kind of gone “viral”. It’s difficult to make a video go viral in our industry just because of the nature of what we do – unless a truck is ridiculously tricked out, or a semi is crashing, people don’t really spread it too much. Plus, truckers are on the road and not at the computer as often as the average internet video viewer, so the momentum of a viral video among their group is somewhat nonexistent.
I made this video below and we decided to push it out and see what kind of response we could get. We only had less than two weeks, so we released a press release about it and now my name comes up hundreds of times in Google relating to it. It was picked up by several industry publications, lots of industry bloggers, and industry forums. It’s our most “liked” blog post and Facebook item, and has gained views faster than anything else I’ve done.
We got a modest amount of views just passing it among workers and people we know internally and seeing where it went from there, but once the press release hit, the views spiked: nearly 500 views in 2 days. I’m interested to see where the views end up on Monday since just today we saw so many more people posting it on their own sites. It’ll definitely reach 1000.