Editing a Web Series: Arson Dogs

If a thing happens and nobody writes about it, did it really happen? Of course the answer is no, which is why I’m writing a post about a project I finished editing in September. But there is some freshness to it: it’s actually airing nationally(ish) this week. You could have seen it online this whole time, but there’s something about a thing airing nationally(ish) that brings a new layer of legitimacy to it.

One of my most complicated projects to date at Biscardi Creative Media (or anywhere, really) was started in July, right after the conclusion of the fourth season of the This American Land for PBS…so ya know, “okay good job, *shoves you out window*” basically. It was a web series called Arson Dogs, featuring beloved dog trainer Victoria Stilwell as she visited and learned from State Farm’s arson dog training school in rural Maine.

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