Horror Short Film Casting Call

I’ve gotten a lot of inquiries via Facebook about a short film Katie Toomey and I are co-directing next month, so I decided to just post the information here and share the link!

This is a ten minute short horror film that we’re creating as part of “The Collective”, a horror short collective series. Each version of the collective features ten ten-minute short films by different filmmakers all centered around a common theme. The third version of The Collective is centered around “ten minutes to live” and as an added bonus, will be all female filmmakers.

Our short film is about a young woman who is diagnosed with a degenerative illness that rapidly kills her body, and takes place largely on her death bed in the last moments of her life as she flashes back to the last couple of months of choices and is haunted by a mysterious figure. It’s an intensive emotional psychological thriller sort of horror (or at least that’s what we’re hoping for…) We have to have our film sent off by January 1st, 2012, so we’re hurrying a bit as we just found out about this.

We’ve cast two people already, the main female character (Sarah Hoback) and The Man (Eric Schroeder). Here are the remaining needs:

Boyfriend – 20sish, any look, male obviously. He’s in one very intense and emotional scene where he’s fighting with our lead female and it ends with him leaving her. We’re looking for someone who has good chemistry with Sarah, as this is a key scene in the film. If you don’t believe they’re in love, you won’t care what happens! 🙂 If you’re interested in this part, I will send you a portion of the script so you can check it out.

Sister – Ideally a bit older than Sarah and possibly similar to her in looks (so 25-35, female, white, and brown or red hair, but the hair color is obviously not a deal breaker). The sister is the lead character’s caretaker throughout her illness, so she’s worn around the edges. The sister is in one main scene with Sarah, then a bit more in a smaller scene.

Doctor – ideally looking for someone slightly older, maybe 30s-60s, male. The Doctor is in two scenes, a minor part technically but important as all characters are in a short film. You have to break some bad news to Sarah, and then visit her bedside.

Nurse – any age, any look. Preferably female. If you already have scrubs, even better. The nurse is a kind person in one short scene.

It should be noted that we’re not necessarily looking for seasoned actors – if you’re a bit newer, we’d still like to talk.

We’re looking to shoot on December 10th and 11th on the north side of Indianapolis, indoors. The boyfriend and sister will be needed for a good amount of time, the doctor and nurse should get knocked out relatively quickly. Overall it’s not going to be a very long shoot. We will likely try to shoot everything indoors (which includes everyone) on one day, and then the outdoor part on day 2 (which is just Sarah and Eric), so the people we’re casting will likely only be needed for part of a day.

I suppose it should also be noted that we’re sort of doing this guerrilla style. It’s just going to be Katie and I shooting and recording audio, so it’ll be an intimate and collaborative shoot. And by guerrilla I certainly don’t mean shitty, just not a big ass production with a bunch of crew. We’re shooting on a Canon 550D if anyone cares. It should be a lot of fun, and a pretty relaxed set.

The Collective V3 will be available on DVD early next year. The company that puts it together (JABB Pictures) will be selling it at various events they go to (horror festivals and the like), and we’ll be sold DVDs at wholesale to resell ourselves if we wish. They will also shop around the films to festivals for us, and we’ll be promoting it as well, so potentially this might be seen by a lot of people. This shoot is unpaid and nonunion. I don’t imagine I’ll sell a lot of DVDs but if we do, we’ll come up with a way to repay you for some of your time. We’re honest here, people, we’d love to share the wealth.

Thanks for your interest! If you’re interested, please comment here or send an email to (no spaces, I’m putting spaces to thwart spam) kylee k wall at gmail dot com. Just let me know what part you’re interested in and what you’ve done before. Thanks!