Goals for 2011

Now that I’ve seen where I came from in 2010, I need to make a few goals for 2011.

1. Get out and shoot regularly. There is no excuse for me to not get out and shoot some video anymore because Santa brought me a Rebel t2i for Christmas.

2. Get out and shoot stills too. I like still photography a lot and I need to volunteer to shoot stills and get to know my camera well.

3. Learn Smoke. I really want to learn Smoke. As I’ve gotten deeper into After Effects over the last year and a half, I’ve found an interest in compositing and finishing and all that stuff. I think Smoke would be a fun thing to learn. Through the suggestion of some followers on Twitter, I’d like to enroll in a course on Smoke through www.fxphd.com.

4. Since FxPhD does 3 course blocks for each 12 week session, I’ll have to pick a couple other classes. I’m thinking an intermediate Apple Color course (I’m already certified by Apple in Color, which to me means I know the bare minimum to get certified by Apple!) I want to learn the basics of 3D as well. Maybe Intro to Maya? The only 3D program I’ve ever touched (besides VRML) is a program called Bryce, and well…it did not go well for me. I guess this could be condensed to “expand my knowledge in other media applications.”

5. Travel. This seems like a personal goal more than a professional one, but I want to travel more so I can shoot in new and interesting places.

6. Read. I am currently reading two interesting books on editing and I really need to finish them.

7. Website redesign. It will be two years since this site went up as of April. I think it could be time for a change.

8. Do more freelance. Go out and find it.

9. Blog more regularly. Actually, write more in general.

10. Do at least two good projects with the crew I worked with on the 48 Hour Film Project including the 2011 48HFP. Yeesh, only 7 months to go ><.