Film festival submission..
I submitted our 48 Hour Film Project film that we created in July/August to a film festival a couple of weeks ago. I actually wrote this the day I did it and scheduled WordPress to public it a little later in the day since I had just published another blog, but it apparently decided to skip my instructions.
Anyway, it’s the first time I’ve actually submitted anything to any film festival. I submitted it to the Dam Short Film Festival in Boulder City, Nevada – named after the Hoover Dam in Boulder City, of course.
It’s a smaller film festival obviously, so we have a better chance of being in the final selection. Probably a good way to begin to test the waters of film festivals so when we produce a short film that we have more than 48 hours to work on, we’ll have an inkling what we’re getting ourselves in to.
Hopefully we get good news and make the festival. It would be nice to know our film is going to screen in another state, and would be the third public screening. That’s about 3 more public screenings than any other films I’ve made have had. I haven’t made much time for personal filmmaking endeavors, unfortunately. I hope that I’m able to change that.