I took a picture.
I took some pictures, rather. I don’t have a nice professional camera, so when I want to take some nice, professionalish pictures, I borrow a friend’s Canon 10D. I baked him a pie in exchange for use of his camera this time so I could shoot my best friend’s engagement portraits. I thought I’d post a few of the pictures I took in a blog here, along with some others I’ve taken over the last few months.
I wish I had my own camera so I could get more hands on practice on a daily basis. The operation of the camera is all the holds me back. I can’t think fast enough to compensate for certain situations, like the constant changing light during the engagement session. I don’t know basic camera operations off the top of my head like I do a video camera. I need my Canon T2i so I can do some HDSLR video AND some stills, and get more fluent in the various knobs and buttons.
Here are the pictures. I put the majority of them behind a cut as to not weight down this page.
It started to rain, so a few pictures were taken under a porch in some bizarre lighting conditions.
My friend Amanda is a yoga teacher and saw some other pictures I posted, and asked if I would be willing to take some yoga portraits for her website.
I also had the opportunity to shoot a wedding. My husband’s father got remarried and had a small backyard ceremony, so I borrowed the camera and captured some stills of their event.