Editing Eye of the Beholder: The Art of Dungeons & Dragons
Kelley Slagle began her career in entertainment as an actor, so it’s not surprising the communal storytelling of Dungeons and Dragons caught her eye. Originally self-described as “gamer adjacent”, Kelley first become deeply involved with the concept of table-top gaming through directing and editing the feature film Of Dice and Men, a story about using gaming to tell people what you really need to say to them.
A mutual love of gaming, toys, and the culture that surrounds them led Kelley to meet co-director Brian Stillman (The Toys That Made Us, Plastic Galaxy: The Story of Star Wars Toys) and collaborate on Eye of the Beholder: The Art of Dungeons and Dragons. The film will be released on May 14th, and won Best Documentary prizes at the Gen Con Film Festival and Clifton Film Celebration.