Professional Resolutions – 2010
So earlier this year I made some resolutions for 2010, and I updated myself about halfway through the year. So how did I do for 2010 as a whole?
1. Dig deeper into After Effects.
The second half of the year was better with this. I feel that I’ve really dug deeper into this program. I don’t know everything – who does? – but I’ve greatly improved and understand these things on a deeper level. When I think about the first time I ever opened up After Effects compared to what I’m able to pull together now, it makes me feel like I have come a really long way. Each year my mograph knowledge increases exponentially. I used to see things in media and think “how the eff?!” and now I can tell how it was done, or if it was done with a 3D or finishing app.
2. Kind of learn Motion.
Eh. Major focus on the “kind of”. This was largely a fail.
3. Actually watch all the behind the scenes stuff on my DVDs.
I’ve done more this year than usual, but I still haven’t watched everything on my Lord of the Rings extended DVDs. Then again, there’s like thousands and thousands of hours of behind the scenes stuff it seems..I watched a lot of Doctor Who Confidentials.
4. Take time to refocus on my craft.
Done this well, prioritizing my work and free time.
5. Do a few personal projects. Something new, just for fun.
I did pretty well with this. Not as many silly pointless projects, but the 48 hour film project was such an intensive filmmaking weekend that it counts for a lot in my opinion. And my personal projects will only go up in number now that I’m able to shoot my own source material! 😀
What should I make my goals for 2011?